
How To Combine Iso 8 In Future Fight


ISO-eight is a strange item that first appeared on Earth after some peculiar events. There are no specific details about the origin of ISO-8, simply after much inquiry, information technology was discovered that information technology enhanced any objects information technology was combined with.

ISO-viii tin can be equipped to your characters to increase their stats.

The amount of ISO-8 that can exist equipped to a graphic symbol increases as they level up. You commencement with one slot open, gaining extra slots at levels 10, 20, thirty, 35, 40, 45 and 50, giving a total available slots of eight. In one case equipped, y'all have to pay Crystals to unequip without destroying the ISO-8. The corporeality of Crystals needed to unequip rises with the level.


You can raise ISO-8 to raise the bonuses they give, using other ISO-eight and money. Once yous have enhanced them every bit much every bit is immune, you can combine them with another +5 piece of the aforementioned rank to increase its rank.

Optimal Method

At that place'due south a risk, each time yous attempt to enhance ISO-8's that they'll apply an actress 150%. In order not to waste product this when it occurs, if y'all have the time it'south worth avoiding using also many ISO-eight'southward in ane become. The target you lot should be aiming for is at or merely under 200%, plus 60% of the current enhancement of the detail, so when starting on a fresh ISO, aim for 200% (though in practice 187% is often as close as you tin get without going over). If you utilise ISO's to reach or exceed that and you get the boost, you'll go directly to +5. If you don't get the boost (which is far more likely), you'll be on roughly 200%, so your next target volition be virtually 320%. Don't look to be able to get exactly on the sweet spot, but the closer you tin can get, without using ISO's that are besides small to exist efficient (i.due east. without using two'south and 1's, which price too much gold per utilise), the more efficient your enhancement process will be.

  • In that location is no apparent reward to beingness over the target, as that volition upshot in portions of ISO-eight's being wasted when you go the boost.
  • Annotation that the quickest way to make the calculation repeatedly is to start with 2 + 0.6 x current_value (working non in percentages of the +5 but in fractions of information technology). That manner information technology'southward easier to change the value in current_value and calculate again over and over.
  • If in doubt nearly the math, undershoot, as there is no efficiency issue with even using one ISO-8 at a time.
  • Under no circumstances should yous use multiple ISO-eight's to accomplish the +5 in one go.
  • Equally the amount that can be wasted reduces, i.east. once you're past +4, you lot may want to just gauge information technology by eye rather than employ actual math.


Set Bonus Name Prepare Blazon Set up Effect Activation Rate
Hawk's Eye 8 ISO-8 White, Cherry, Blue, Green, Yellowish, Orange, Chaos, Chaos All Attack ↑ +8.v%

Critical Rate ↑ +8.5%

Disquisitional Damage ↑ +8.5%

Dodge ↑ +8.1%

Cooldown Duration ↓ 8.1%

  • Activation Charge per unit: 12% chance when attacking
  • +twoscore% increase of All Attacks. (20 Sec.)
  • Cooldown Time 54 Seconds
Power of Angry Hulk 8 ISO-8 White, Cherry, Blue, Green, Xanthous, Chaos, Anarchy, Chaos All Assail ↑ +8.5%

Assault Speed ↑ +7.7%

All Defense ↑ +8.5%

Critical Rate ↑ 8.v%

Ignore Defence force 8.1%

  • 12% rate when attacking
  • All Attack +xl% (20 Sec.)
  • Cooldown Time 54 Seconds
Overdrive 8 ISO-8 White, White, Ruddy, Blue, Dark-green, Yellow, Chaos, Anarchy All Attack ↑ +8.5%

All Defence force ↑ +viii.5%

Critical Rate ↑ +8.5%

Critical Damage ↑ +8.5%

Ignore Defence 8.1%

  • 12% rate when attacking
  • All Attack +xl% (20 Sec.)
  • Cooldown Fourth dimension 54 Seconds
Stark Bankroll 8 ISO-8 White, Red, Blue, Blue, Dark-green, Green, Chaos, Chaos All Defense ↑ +eight.five%

Max HP ↑ +eight.five%

Critical Harm ↑ +viii.5%

Dodge ↑ +8.i%

Motility Speed ↑ 7.7%

  • 15% rate when hit
  • Max HP Recovery 32% ↑
  • Cooldown Time 54 Seconds
I Am Also Groot. 8 ISO-eight White, Red, Blue, Green, Green, Orangish, Yellowish, Chaos All Attack ↑ +8.5%

Max HP ↑ +8.five%

Critical Rate ↑ +8.5%

Crowd Control Time ↓ eight.1%

Recovery Charge per unit ↑ +8.1%

  • xv% charge per unit when hitting
  • Max HP Recovery 32% ↑
  • Cooldown Time 54 Seconds
Spy Tactics eight ISO-8 White, Red, Blueish, Green, Orangish, Yellow, Majestic, Anarchy All Set on ↑ +8.v%

Attack Speed ↑ +7.7%

Critical Rate ↑ +eight.5%

Critical Harm ↑ +viii.5%

Ignore Defense 8.1%

  • 12% rate when attacking
  • Decreases Skill Cooldown by 32% (twenty Sec.) ↑
  • Cooldown Fourth dimension 54 Seconds
Smart Raccoon viii ISO-8 White, Cerise, Blue, Greenish, Orange, Anarchy, Chaos, Anarchy All Attack ↑ +eight.5%

All Defence ↑ +viii.5%

Critical Rate ↑ +8.5%

Critical Damage ↑ +8.five%

Cooldown Duration ↓ viii.1%

  • 12% rate when attacking
  • Decreases Skill Cooldown past 32% (20 Sec.) ↑
  • Cooldown Time 54 Seconds
Protect the Captain eight ISO-8 White, Red, Blueish, Light-green, Orange, Purple, Chaos, Chaos All Defense ↑ +8.five%

Max HP ↑ +8.5%

Dodge ↑ +eight.ane%

Recovery Rate ↑

Crowd Control Time ↓

  • 12% rate when attacking
  • +forty% increase to All Defenses (20 Sec.) ↑
  • Cooldown Time 54 Seconds
Binary Power eight ISO-8 White, Cherry-red, Blue, Blue, Greenish, Green, Orange, Chaos Max HP ↑ +8.5%

All Defense ↑ +8.5%

Attack Speed ↑ +7.7%

Critical Rate ↑ +eight.5%

Recovery Rate ↑ viii.1%

  • 15% rate when hit
  • Creates a Shield that is 32% of Max HP.
  • Cooldown Time 54 Seconds
Blessing of Asgard 8 ISO-8 White, Cherry, Blue, Green, Yellow, Purple, Anarchy, Chaos All Attack ↑ +8.5%

All Defense ↑ +8.5%

Max HP ↑ +8.5%

Dodge ↑ +eight.1%

Crowd Control Fourth dimension ↓ 8.1%

  • 12% rate when attacking
  • Motion Speed increases past +40% (20 Sec.) ↑
  • Cooldown Time 54 Seconds
Spider-Sense viii ISO-viii Blueish, Blue, Green, Green, Orangish, Purple, Chaos, Anarchy All Defence force ↑ +viii.5%

Max HP ↑ +8.5%

Dodge ↑ +viii.1%

Critical Charge per unit ↑ +8.5%

Disquisitional Damage ↑ eight.5%

  • fifteen% rate when hitting
  • +40% increase to All Defenses (20 Sec.) ↑
  • Cooldown Time 54 Seconds
Tenacious Symbiote viii ISO-8 White, Red, Blue, Blue, Light-green, Green, Royal, Chaos All Attack ↑ +8.five%

All Defence ↑ +8.five%

Max HP ↑ +8.5%

Contrivance ↑ +eight.1%

Cooldown Duration ↓ 8.ane%

  • 12% rate when attacking
  • +forty% increase to All Defenses (xx Sec.) ↑
  • Cooldown Time 54 Seconds
Drastic Density Enhancement 8 ISO-8 White, Ruby, Blue, Blue, Green, Purple, Orange, Anarchy All Attack ↑ +eight.5%

Max HP ↑ +8.5%

Disquisitional Impairment ↑ +8.5%

Crowd Control Time ↓ +8.1%

Ignore Defense 8.ane%

  • 12% charge per unit when attacking
  • Creates a Shield that is 32% of Max HP.
  • Cooldown Time 54 Seconds
Prince of Lies 8 ISO-8 White, Red, Cherry, Blue, Light-green, Royal, Chaos, Chaos All Assault ↑ +8.5%

Attack Speed ↑ +seven.7%

Critical Charge per unit ↑ +8.5%

Dodge ↑ +8.i%

Ignore Defense viii.1%

  • 12% rate when attacking
  • Decreases Skill Cooldown past 40% (20 Sec.) ↑
  • Cooldown Fourth dimension 54 Seconds
Blackwing 4 ISO-eight White, Bluish, Orange, Chaos All Defense ↑ +five.v%

Dodge ↑ +5.2%

Recovery Rate ↑ +v.2%

  • Activation Rate: 10% rate when hit
  • Motility Speed increases by +15%. (twenty Sec.)
  • Cooldown Time 65 Seconds
Grasp Weak Indicate 3 ISO-viii Reddish, Blue, Green All Attack ↑ +4%

Disquisitional Rate ↑ +4%

  • Activation Charge per unit: 5% Chance When Attacking
  • +ten% Increase of All Attacks.(twenty Sec.)
  • Cooldown Time 70 Seconds
Improve Endurance iii ISO-8 Blue, Orange, Anarchy All Defence force ↑ +4%

Max HP ↑ +4%

  • Activation Charge per unit: 8% rate when hit
  • +ten% Increment of All Defenses.(xx Sec.)
  • Cooldown Fourth dimension 67 Seconds
Evasive Maneuvers three ISO-8 Green, Orange, Chaos All Defence force ↑ +4%

Dodge ↑ +three.6%

  • Activation Rate: 8% charge per unit when hit
  • +ten% Increase of All Defenses.(20 Sec.)
  • Cooldown Time 67 Seconds
Improve Viability three ISO-8 White, Blue, Orange Max HP ↑ +4%

Recovery Charge per unit ↑ +3.eight%

  • Activation Charge per unit: 8% rate when hit
  • Creates a Shield that is 13% of Max HP. (20 Sec.)
  • Cooldown Time 67 Seconds
Stealth 3 ISO-eight Cherry-red, Green, Yellow Max HP ↑ +4%

Dodge ↑ +3.8%

  • Activation Charge per unit: 8% charge per unit when hit
  • Creates a Shield that is 13% of Max HP. (20 Sec.)
  • Cooldown Time 67 Seconds
Healing Gene 3 ISO-8 Blue, Dark-green, Purple All Defence ↑ +4%

Oversupply Control Time ↑ +three.8%

  • Activation Rate: 8% rate when hitting
  • 15% recovery of MAX HP.
  • Cooldown Time 67 Seconds
Improve Combat Skill 3 ISO-viii White, Blood-red, Orange All Attack ↑ +four%

Critcal Damage ↑ +4%

  • Activation Charge per unit: five% rate when attacking
  • Movement Speed increases by +10%. (twenty Sec.)
  • Cooldown Time 67 Seconds
Gainsay Maneuver 3 ISO-8 White, Red, Purple All Attack ↑ +4%

Movement Speed ↑ +iii.6%

  • Activation Charge per unit: five% rate when attacking
  • Decrease Skill Cooldown by 10% (20 Sec.)
  • Cooldown Time 67 Seconds
Mobile Defense iii ISO-viii Bluish, Green, Yellowish All Defense force ↑ +4%

Movement Speed ↑ +3.6%

  • Activation Rate: 8% charge per unit when hit
  • Subtract Skill Cooldown by 10% (20 Sec.)
  • Cooldown Time 67 Seconds
Attack is the Best Defense 3 ISO-8 White, Reddish, Anarchy All Assault ↑ +4%

Assault Speed ↑ +3.6%

  • Activation Rate: 5% Risk When Attacking
  • +x% Increment of All Attacks.(20 Sec.)
  • Cooldown Time seventy Seconds
The Concluding Winner 3 ISO-eight Blue, Dark-green, Chaos All Defense ↑ +4%

Max HP ↑ +4%

  • Activation Rate: 8% rate when hit
  • +10% Increase of All Defenses.(20 Sec.)
  • Cooldown Time 67 Seconds



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